Our hotel has 26 rooms, most of which are large, family-friendly.
Our rooms have modern furnishings, simple and functional, mini fridge available, private bathroom, air conditioning, parquet floors and wi-fi.
Some also have a small balcony, others have a veranda overlooking the garden. The two new superior rooms, in the highest part of the hotel, have a balcony overlooking the valley.

Our rates

RoomsTreatmentRatesType prices
SingleBed and breakfast40Per room
DoubleBed and breakfast57Per room
TripleBed and breakfast72Per room
QuadrupleBed and breakfast82Per room
ChambresTraitementTarifsType de prix
SimpleDemi Pension55Personne
DoubleDemi Pension50Personne
TripleDemi Pension45Personne
QuadrupleDemi Pensionà la demandePersonne

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